Why Brochures and Editorial Material Are Still a Vital Part of Your Marketing Arsenal CategoriesMarketing

Why Brochures and Editorial Material Are Still a Vital Part of Your Marketing Arsenal

With the surge of digital marketing and rapidly growing digital advertising spend, it is easy to forget about the more traditional marketing channels. Printed marketing is still hugely important and powerful. When created with flair and precision it can be more captivating than any other medium.

But while digital marketing is certainly a paramount part of your promotion strategy, you might be overlooking the potential of brochures and editorial material. As fewer companies use the traditional marketing strategies, it leaves a huge untapped opportunity to those who do. Up next, we’re going to explore the different reasons why brochures and editorial materials are still a vital part of your marketing arsenal.

Printed editorial materials are highly tangible

Almost every business in the world has a website and an online presence on social media channels. But while people are now used to seeing something on the web, they still like the physical connection that brochures and other editorial materials provide. There’s no way of delivering the feeling of various textures and reliefs unless you print it.

Moreover, brochures serve as the perfect handout during customer meetings. Instead of leaving them with your website address that they’re likely to forget, give them a brochure about your products or services.

Printed materials help your business to grow

Unlike website impressions, brochures can be easily shared from one person to another. Various editorial materials – booklets, newsletters, leaflets, and pamphlets – can help to distribute your messages and increase brand recognition. For example, you might hand out a product brochure to a client of yours. If they like your product, they’ll show the brochure to a friend who might also become your client in the future. All this contributes to faster business growth.

It’s also a great plus that high-quality printed materials are highly durable, which means that they could potentially be distributed for months.

Print editorial materials are cost-effective

When compared to Facebook ad campaigns, billboards or TV ads, printed marketing could save your company a significant amount of money and provide a better ROI. From a production perspective, the more brochures you print, the lower your per-unit price will be; and these materials can be used for months to come as they won’t lose their informative value if time passes.

Printed materials such as brochures can be designed at a relatively low cost as you already have your logo and brand colours. All you need is a graphic design agency to help you out with some details and layout.

Brochures help to present your company

Not all your employees are great with words. Sometimes, they need a little help to explain to another person what your company does. What if they had brochures to hand out to their friends and potential business partners? Print materials serve as a representation of your business and brand image. They present your key messages while also making people more familiar with your brand name, logo design, and corporate colours.

Brochures are highly informative

The problem with both digital and billboard advertising is that you don’t have much room for text. Therefore, it’s hard to share all the important information you’d like the reader to know. With print editorial, it is completely up to you how much text you want to include. You can always add an extra page to a brochure. If the reader is interested in your product offer, they can find all the necessary information without visiting your home page.